How to check up the Chinese company – Company Verification


If you are looking to do business with companies in Mainland China, whether choosing suppliers or selling products, it is crucial to check the legitimacy of the Chinese company to avoid business losses. However, the names of companies in mainland China are all in Chinese instead of English, so it is impossible to inquire with English names. Therefore, if you know the accurate Chinese name of the company, you need to know who is the legal representative. What is the registered capital? and the business scope of this company, company address, and so on. This guide offers a comprehensive verification process, ensuring you have the information needed for business reliability and success.

Check the Chinese company in the Public System

China is developing into a world market with 1.4 billion customers from a world factory with 1.4 billion labor force. The huge upgrading of consumption power and technological innovation is bringing new opportunities to global enterprises and brands. So, it is very important to do company verification by yourself.

To begin with, you should check the information on the company in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System. If you can’t find related information about the company in the system, you should be cautious. The reason is the company is probably illegal and hasn’t been registered with the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).

That means it is the most basic way to verify enterprise information.

Chinese company's public credit system

This is an example of Chinese company information in the system.

China company credit information

Check the Chinese company’s website ICP

In addition, you should check to see if this enterprise has a website or not. Normally, as the formal Chinese enterprise’s website, it has an Internet ICP record number. In other words, checking the Chinese company’s website is the purpose of preventing illegal website business activities on the Internet.

To avoid creating fake websites that pose as companies, we identified 4 steps to check the website’s ICP License of the Chinese company.

Find the ICP record Number

Log in to the official website of Chinese enterprises and find the ICP record number at the bottom of the page:

china website icp

Public Search of the domain name

Enter the ICP/IP address/domain name information filing management system of BEIAN and click Public Search:

website ICP information system

Enter the ICP number and Code

Click the button [record information query] and Enter the ICP number and verification code:

Check Chinse company's ICP Number

The result of the Company’s name

If the information on the website is correct, that means the website has been put on record with the company’s name. Generally, it can be judged to be no problem for the Chinese company:

Chinese website ICP and company name

Check the Chinese company by Company Verification Report

If you are dealing business with a Chinese company without checking, you might be lucky and encounter no problems. However, if it is a false trading company pretending to be a supplier or a company that’s had Judicial disputes in China. If the truth is like this, it can be extremely difficult to apply any legal pressure on companies in China.

Firstly, the China Company Free Search Engine is the first English-language version of the Corporation Search database in Mainland China. According to the Company law, there is no legal corporation name in the English language in Mainland China. Therefore, please enter the Company name in Chinese language or fill in the 18 digital Social Credit Codes in the search box above.

Secondly, if you want to verify the target company in Mainland China, through the China Company Verification Report, you can check the Chinese company’s credibility through our law firm which inquires about the enterprise’s judgment documents. GWBMA can help you inquire about the company registration and provide overall service for you so that you can fully know your Chinese partners.


By the end of this article, I hope you have gained a thorough understanding of how to check up on a Chinese company, as well as an awareness of the requirements set by the Chinese government and the constraints from a legal perspective. At GWBMA, we are committed to continuously assisting every client by providing comprehensive services, including company registration, trademark registration, copyright, patent, and legal services, among others. My goal is to help your business successfully enter and thrive in the Chinese market!

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