What is AliExpress: An Important Player in the Global E-commerce Market


AliExpress was born in the spring of 2010 as part of Alibaba’s strategic layout. Its original intent was to build a bridge connecting global consumers directly with Chinese manufacturers and merchants. This platform is unique in that it breaks the traditional wholesale market rules by focusing on the retail market, allowing global buyers to purchase Chinese goods in small quantities without worrying about high minimum order quantities and complex procurement processes. Moreover, AliExpress is not just a sales platform; its core value lies in promoting the internationalization of Chinese small businesses and manufacturers, helping them expand into global markets while providing reasonably priced and diverse product choices to consumers worldwide. This model not only supports China’s export economy but also brings great convenience to global consumers.

User Demographics and Company Status of AliExpress

The main users of AliExpress are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from China, who use this platform to reach the global market and achieve internationalization of their businesses. Over time, an increasing number of merchants from around the world have also begun to join this platform, reflecting the success of AliExpress’s globalization strategy and diversifying the platform’s product offerings.

Additionally, AliExpress serves a broad range of global consumers, particularly individual buyers in Europe, America, and Asia. These consumers are attracted to the platform by its competitive pricing and a rich variety of products, from daily necessities to electronic products, from clothing to furniture, AliExpress provides a vast online shopping mall.

AliExpress’s expansion strategy is very clear, with local warehouses and improved logistics solutions set up in key markets like Russia and Spain, the platform can more effectively manage its supply chain, shorten product delivery times, and enhance service quality. These measures directly improve the user experience and strengthen buyers’ trust and reliance on AliExpress.

As of 2023, AliExpress has expanded its reach to over 220 countries and regions globally. The platform sees significant daily traffic with over 20 million buyers visiting each day. These figures underline AliExpress’s substantial presence and influence in the global e-commerce landscape.

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Latest Data Analysis of AliExpress

In fact, in 2023, AliExpress reached 130 million visits, with over 163 million unique visitors. Although there was a slight decrease in visits in February to 408 million, it rebounded in March, showing the sustainability of its market appeal. Additionally, the platform has 20 million daily visitors, a significant number in the e-commerce sector, indicating a very high level of market activity. Internationally, Brazil, the United States, Spain, France, and South Korea are its main markets, with these countries accounting for a significant proportion of the platform’s traffic. Particularly in Brazil, which accounts for 17.35% of the total traffic, taking the lead and showing its strong market appeal. Moreover, the majority of AliExpress users are aged between 25-34, followed by the 18-24 age group, who are more inclined to shop online and seek value for money products.

In summary, this data also fully indicates its wide influence and appeal in the global market. These data not only showcase the dynamics and achievements of AliExpress as a global e-commerce platform but also reflect how it adapts and grows in the constantly changing market. Using this data, you can more specifically analyze AliExpress’s market performance and business strategies, and how AI and technological innovations help it continue to expand its global business.

Global Corporate Challenges and Opportunities for AliExpress

In the global e-commerce market, the Alibaba Group is generally seen as a top player, comparable to Amazon and eBay. For example, Amazon is the largest e-commerce platform globally, with branches in multiple countries, offering a wide range of goods and services. eBay is also a global e-commerce platform, originally providing online auction services. eBay’s performance in 2023 shows that despite global economic and market challenges, its business still shows some growth. According to eBay’s data, its net income for the full year of 2023 grew from approximately $9.795 billion in 2022 to about $10.112 billion, a growth rate of 3%. AliExpress’s specialty lies in providing a platform for small-scale retail transactions, allowing global buyers to purchase directly from Chinese sellers.

As the global e-commerce market continues to expand, AliExpress has the opportunity to leverage its platform advantage to further expand into new international markets. At the same time, adding more local sellers is also an important strategy for expanding its market influence. Faced with the increasingly competitive global e-commerce market, AliExpress needs to continuously innovate its services and technology to maintain competitiveness. This includes how to optimize supply chain management through AI and data analysis to enhance user experience.

AliExpress Seller Registration and Review Process

As AliExpress expands globally, the variety of products available on the platform also grows increasingly diverse, including categories such as apparel, 3C products (computer, communications, and consumer electronics), home goods, and accessories, covering 30 primary industry categories. One of the greatest challenges in the global market is ensuring the quality and authenticity of products, especially in preventing the sale of counterfeit and inferior goods. To protect consumer interests, AliExpress has implemented a series of measures in the platform backend, particularly strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights.

These measures include stringent seller review processes, product authenticity verification systems, and collaborations with globally recognized brands to combat infringement activities. AliExpress is well aware that maintaining brand reputation and consumer trust is key to successfully expanding into international markets.

Registration Process: Foreign sellers must first register an account on AliExpress, fill out basic information, and submit necessary identity verification documents, such as ID cards and business licenses.

Review Requirements: AliExpress conducts a thorough review of sellers, which includes identity verification, qualification review, and product compliance checks. For products involving copyrights, such as computer software, AliExpress requires sellers to provide proof of copyright.

Intellectual Property Protection: AliExpress places a high emphasis on intellectual property rights protection. The platform has specific policies and mechanisms to prevent the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods, especially for copyright-protected products. Sellers must ensure that their products do not infringe on others’ intellectual property rights.

For sellers dealing with copyright-sensitive products like computer software, having a clear copyright registration is crucial. This is not only a prerequisite for passing AliExpress’s review but also a means to protect themselves from infringement by others. With legitimate copyright registration, sellers can market their products more confidently and enhance buyers’ trust in the legality of the products.

Protecting International Trademarks and Copyrights: Key to Successful Operation on AliExpress

AliExpress, as a global e-commerce platform, involves some intellectual property and trademark registration issues. This is a very critical point for international sellers using the Chinese platform. When conducting international trade through China and its platforms, ensuring that trademarks and copyrights are correctly registered and protected is very important, not only to avoid infringement issues but also to help protect creativity and brand value.

For foreign merchants operating on AliExpress, understanding and complying with Chinese intellectual property laws is crucial. Due to differences in trademark and copyright registration between China and many other countries, it is particularly important to use services like GWBMA for quick online registration. Registering a WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) in China is also a good option. These services can help foreign merchants register trademarks and copyrights in China, ensuring their products do not face legal risks due to infringement issues.

GWBMA can assist these foreign sellers in registering copyrights in China, especially for computer software copyrights. This helps them not only pass the AliExpress seller review smoothly but also protect their intellectual property in the global market. For foreign sellers, understanding and adhering to the copyright laws of the target market is key to successful business operations.

In summary, ensuring all products have clear copyright and intellectual property documentation is crucial for successful sales on AliExpress. The support provided by GWBMA undoubtedly offers a solid safeguard for foreign sellers operating in the Chinese market.


Over the past 15 years, AliExpress has experienced significant growth and development. Since its inception in 2010, the platform has quickly become an important player in the global e-commerce market. AliExpress uses its unique market positioning to connect Chinese sellers with global buyers, also successfully carving out a place for itself in the international e-commerce field. Fifteen years have passed in an instant, and today, through continuous technological innovation and market expansion, AliExpress has evolved from a platform mainly focused on small retail transactions into one of the largest, covering multiple countries and regions and offering a wide range of product categories, becoming a famous platform in the global e-commerce market.

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