China Trademark Registration Pro

$ 500 USD Include Govt Fee* Per Class
3-5 Working Days Search Report
Minimum 6 months Certificate
Online Registration Support

How to order Trademark Application Pro - 8 Easy Steps

Confirm the Mark you need to protect

First of all,  you can use China Trademark Free Search Engine to check the availability of the Trademark Registration. It should be noted that the word mark or Figurative mark and the Figurative mark containing word elements application make the result quite different. Generally, you can file two separate trademarks with two different forms at the same time. A word mark guarantees the broadest protection and a combined  Figurative mark shows the genuine use of the branding. Moreover, you need also to file the Chinese version to protect your Marks in Mainland China.

Choose 10 items per Class

China trademark classification system is based on the International NICE classification system but with some changes. You need to choose 10 items in each Class in the official Trademark Classification Database and fill in the Items (6-7 Numbers) in the Order form. The Registration Application price includes the publication cost with a product or service description of up to 10 items. If you need the extra items in the same Class, each additional item has a cost of 10 dollars. So we suggest that you choose 10 items per class unless there is a need to cover more than 10 items.

Complete Order Form

If the Applicant is the company, we need the Scanning copy of the Business Certificate. If the Applicant is a natural person, we need the Scanning copy of the passport. The name and address of the Applicant must be strictly identical to those of the company certificate or the passport of the individual applicant. Certainly, we can help you to translate it into the Chinese language for you. 

Provide TradeMark Samples

Please provide the image of Trademark samples, which divide into Word Mark, Figurative Mark, or Figurative Mark containing word elements. The sizes of the samples should not be less than or equal to 5×5 cm and not more than or equal to 10×10 cm. Tips: Please take a look at Trademark Example.

Make Online Payment

When you complete the billing details and make an online payment, we’ll send the Trademark Registration contract, Power of Attorney, and Invoice to you. Meanwhile, you first directly make a payment for your order on our website. Please create an account during this process, and you can check the application status and Procedure. 

Trademark Comprehensive Search Report

A comprehensive search is extremely important when filing a trademark application in China. Our licensed Attorney will review your classification selection and suggest the description of goods and services to best protect your legal rights. Meantime, the Trademark Attorney will perform a check on the availability of the desired names or logos, or designs and provide you with one Comprehensive Trademark Search Report by email.

Priority Trademark Application

After Follow-Up with our Licensed Trademark Attorney, when we ensure that the Mark can be used in China. After that, the Trademark attorney will file a Trademark application to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) immediately. 

Trademark Attorney Monitors Your Application

After the Trademark Registration filing, we’ll monitor the status of your application. Basically, we keep you updated through the trademark registration procedure. We will provide the official documents including the Receipt of the Trademark application, Official Notice of Application, and Online Infringement Monitoring. If everything goes smoothly, you will receive the Trademark Certificate as soon as 6 months later. During this time, you’ll receive an automated update at every step of your trademark application Procedure in your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Please create an account when you place an order. Once you sign in, you can track the status and the Registration Procedure in your Account. On the order, you can check the Trademark Procedure and download the Official Documents from Trademark Office on line.

You can download and print Invoice when you complete your orders. Meanwhile, if you want to download all the Invoices of your orders, please Login your account.

According to the CHINA TRADEMARK LAW (Article 18), any foreign person or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark or any other matters concerning a trademark in China shall appoint any trademark agencies which are established legally. The trademark agencies will submit the filing paper for you online (for company applicant) or by mail (for the individual applicant). You can choose us as your appointed agency in China for your trademark registration.

China follows the NICE Classification for trademark classes. The Nice Classification is an international classification of goods and services for the purpose of register a trademark. This classification system consists the 45 classes; 01-34 includes goods and 35-45 includes services. In other words, you have to register for the Trademark only under the 45 classes in China.

In China, the Trademark is designated by the two symbols, ‘R’ and ‘TM’. The Trademark symbol ‘TM’ is a provisional symbol, used for applied but undetermined Trademarks before the Trademark Certificate. It acts as a warning symbol for potential infringers that the application, to claim the trademark is under process. The trademark symbol ‘R’ signifies the registered trademark. Once the application gets approved by the government, the ‘R’ (®) mark can be used by the proprietor for 10 years.

A. Yes. The official language of Mainland China is simplified Chinese Characters. If you want to protect your brands, you’d better also register the Chinese Homophones and Synonym Trademark in the same classes. Meanwhile, the Trademark Chinese Language belongs to another Trademark.

A registered trademark is valid for the period of ten years which may be renewed for a further period of ten years on the payment of renewal fees.

A registered trademark is valid for the period of ten years which may be renewed for a further period of ten years on the payment of renewal fees.

You can search the online Trademark Free Search Engine to check the availability of the desired trademark. And if you want to register the Trademark, our attorney will analyze the pass rate of the brand for Trademark Registration.

Yes, you can apply for the existing Trademark which is already registered but in a different class. However, the situation is different in the case of Famous Trademarks. You cannot apply for the existing Famous Trademark even in the different classes. This trademark application will have a high probability of getting objected.

A trademark registered in China is valid only in Mainland China because every country has its own rules and regulations of the trademark.

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